2016-Richard Pinhas & Barry Cleveland "Mu" (Cuneiform Records)
2016-Matt Venuti "The Rhythm Of Life" (Venus Central Productions)
2016-Jon Stephen "We Dance" (Jon Stephen Music)
2015-Glass Brick Boulevard "Crystalline Thrilled" (GBB Productions)
2014-Bodhi "Peace Is Now" (Crystal Wind Music)
2014-Wagnér Santo "De Palvras E Vinho" (Santo Productions)
2013-Stu Heydon "Devil Had His Day" (Heydon Productions)
2013-Joya “Long Long Ride” (Opus Nine Productions)
2013-Shambhu “Sacred Love” (Sacred Love Music)
2013-Matt Venuti “Bliss Attack” (Venus Central Productions)
2012-Netoband “Newspaper Girl” (Caravana Music)
2012-Zahira Soul “Resonate” (Zahira Music)
2012-Joya "Long Long Ride" (OpusNine Productions)
2012-Andrei Kondakov “Brazil Allstars” (Kondakov Music)
2012-Carl Weingarten “ Panomorphia” (Multiphase Records)
2012-Lua Hadar “Like A Bridge” (Bellalua Records)
2011-Stu Heydon “When Worlds Collide” (Stu Heydon Music)
2011-Amy Katchur “River Walk With Me” (SongKatchur Records)
2011-Deborah Winters "Lovers After All" (Jazzed Media Records)
2010-Fuzion 3 "The New Element" (JWJ Records)
2010-Ronnie Ray Padilla “Radyence” (Megawave Records)
2010-Jeff Oster “Detour Ahead” (Jazzed Media)
2010-Barry Cleveland “Hologramatron” (MoonJune Records)
2010-Matt Venuti And The Venusians "Songs From The Venus Lounge"
2008-Mary Fettig “Brazilian Footprints” (F Major Records)
2009-Paul Miller "Pull Of The Moon" (Miller Music)
2009-Matt Venuti “Hangsiphere” (Venus Central Productions)
2007-Dewayne Patte “Melting Pot” (Patetown Productions)
2007-Tony Khalife “Transcendence” (Casa Barranca Records)
2007-Barbara Higbie “Alive In Berkeley” (Slow Baby Records)
2006-Matt Venuti And The Venusians “Dance Of The Helix” (VC Productions)
2006-Koktebel Jazz Collection (KBJ Ukraine)
2005-Steve Fox “Cut Loose” (SF Music)
2005-Jojo Styles “Light Of Love” (12th House Music)
2005-Sandy Cressman “Brasil Sempre No Coração” (Cressman Music)
2005-Michael Klenovsky “ Self Titled” (Russian Music Production)
2004-Benoit Manson “Du Brésil Dans Le Oreilles” (Mogno Music)
2004-Michael Zanabili “Aphrodite” (A. Records)
2003-Rolando Morales “Y Que” (RM Productions)
2003-Chris Saunders “Sandancer” (Bmoki Productions)
2003-John Lester “Big Dreams and the Botttom Line (JL Music)
2003-James Robinson “Colours” (JR Records)
2002-Celia Malheiros “Sempre Crescendo” (CM Productions)
2002-Hilton Barcelos “Arquetipos” (HB Productions)
2001-The Neto Band “7th Wave” (Caravela Records)
2000-The Sims “Sim City 3000” (Eletronics Arts inc.)
2000-Denine Monet “Lady Bird” (Shotzi Records)
2000-James Robinson “Tumbling into the Sky” (JR Records)
2000-Rob Otey “Crooked Trail” (Hemphill Records)
2000-Ray Obiedo “Modern World” (Werewolf Records)
1999-ZaZa “Book Of Kings” (Bibi Noor Production)
1999-Jana Herzen “Soup's On Fire” (Motema Music)
1999-Tony Khalife Group “Fish Out Of The Sea” (K Productions)
1999-Green “Multiheaded Heart” (Folk Diva Records)
1999-Michael Zanabili “The Night Has A Thousand Eyes” (A. Records)
1998-Sandy Cressman “Homage to Brasil” (A Records)
1998-Glen Mcnulty “Rawsilk” (Isonia Records)
1998-David Quinby “Outbound” (Acropolis Music)
1998-Neto “Live At Guitting Power” (B & W Records London)
1997-Damien Masterson “Intercambio” (Good Omen Production)
1997-James Robinson “Self Titled” (JR Records)
1997-Daria “Just The Beginning” (Jazz'um Up)
1997-Michael Zanabili “Lava” (Arrow Records)
1996-Harvey Wainapel “Ambrosia” (A Records)
1996-Jose Neto “In Memory of Thunder” (B & W Records London)
1996-Deuce “Wind Jammer” (Pivotal Records)
1995-Ricky Antonio “ Viva America” (V & C Records)
1995-Danny Heines “Vanishing Borders” (Silver Wave Records)
1995-Jeff Hoffman “Good Thing” (Modern Draperies Music)
1994-Claudia Villela "Asa Verde" (Taina Music)
1994-Madelin Eastman “Art Attack" (Mad Kat Records)
1994-MoJazz Christmas Album (Motown Records)
1994-Flora Purim “The Flight” (B & W Records London)
1993-Jose Neto “Neto” (B & W Records London)
1993-Terra Sul “Kindness Of Strangers” (Motown Records)
1993-Cindy Lowe “One Dream Away” (Lowe Life Productions)
1992-ZaZa “Primal Whispers” (Bibi Noor Production)
1992-Claudia Gomez “Salamandra” (Clarity Records)
1992-Tony Mills “The Dancing” (Colby Street Music)
1992-Claudia Villela "Nosso Abacaxi" (Taina Music)
1991-Midnight Voices “Dreams Keep Blowing My Mind” (M. Music)
1991-Ricky Encarnation “One People, One Country” (Crystal Sound)
1991-Matt Venuti “Work And Progress” (Venus Central Productions)
1990-Danny Heines “One Heart Wild” (Silver Wave Records)
1987-Marcos Silva & Intersection “Here We Go” (Concord Crossover)
1986-Flora Purim & Airto “The Magicians” (Concord Crossover)